Epic Star Wars blanket and new Crochet Patterns

Hi guys,

I know I’ve been quite quiet over the last month, the truth is I just really haven’t had very much time to get crafty.

We’ve been very busy moving all of our stuff out of the tiny farm cottage and into a roomier flat. You know your house was really small when going into a flat is up-sizing!!

I’ll miss living on a farm, but I’ll also quite like having space and civilisation within a reasonable distance.

This week I have had a little more time to create, which is fantastic! There are still boxes absolutely everywhere but in all honesty I really have had enough of unpacking, that and half the things don’t have anywhere they can go yet. If you follow me on facebook or twitter you may have seen some of my updates about what I’ve been doing…

I have started designing a 4x6ft Star Wars Blanket inspired by the 6 year Super Mario blanket that has been circulating the internet over the past couple of weeks. I really love it, although I think the emphasis of it taking 6 years is kind of pointless… It’s almost making out he did nothing else in that time… He’d have a much MUCH bigger blanket if this was the case! So why not put it out there as look at this awesome thing and leave it at that? Anyway I’m hoping mine will not take 6 years!!

Star wars blanket afghan yoda ewok ahsoka vader darth chewbacca bantha admiral ackbar jabba the hutt jawa princess leia crochet han solo crafts handmade nerd geek obi wan kenobi r2d2 rebels a new hope clone wars c3po oola twi'lek wampa wompa luke skywalker storm trooper stormtrooper boba fett imperial tuantuan sabine mandalorian deathstar a long time ago in a galaxy far far away

This is a little over half of the final design in total there will be 48 character squares, 24 above and 24 below the strip with the logo and text. I’m really starting to love this project and can’t wait to get started making it! I’ll update as and when with that one!

I’ve also written up a pattern for the dragon scarf, Which as usual can be found in my Craftsy and Etsy stores.

dragon scarf scarves fantasy blue talons wings crochet knitting scales horns cute mens boys womens girls game of thrones how to train your dragonI’m really excited about sharing this one! It’s my first accessory pattern. I never intended on writing this up so it was rather challenging to change my scribblings in my notebook (not even with a proper pen, might I add) into an actual proper crochet pattern that hopefully someone can follow!

There are so many pieces to this scarf and it took me quite a while to sort through it all and type everything up. I really hope you’ll try it, It’s a lovely scarf and I am so happy to share it with you.

I will probably write up patterns for some of my other items in the future. I am planning on writing the unicorn scarf next!

Until next time,
Best Wishes,

A Yarnicorn is born

I’ve been planning this one for some time.

As with many of my designs it all started with a light bulb in my head and a crude doodle in my sketchbook. I don’t see the point in spending ages carefully drawing out a design. I’d never actually get to making it if I did that. I don’t always end up with exactly what I had on paper but it’s a good rough idea of what I’d like to make.

unicorn scarf design sketch doodle pink rainbow cute kawii magical fantasy scarf accessories  It’s been a couple of months now since I drew this up. I didn’t have all the colours that I needed and I was trying to use up some yarn before I went and bought more, I really don’t have much space. Originally I wanted to make a pink unicorn but the pinks I found in the shop weren’t quite what I had in mind (I’m sure other crafters will empathise) I find it so frustrating when you go into a shop with so many shelves stocked full of different yarns but still can’t find the one you want! Anyway that rant is kind of irrelevant. Chris suggested I make it in cream. So I did.

unicorn scarf design sketch doodle pink rainbow cute kawii magical fantasy scarf accessoriesI used a mixture of grey and white sparkly yarns for the hooves and horn, because you can’t have a unicorn without sparkles. I decided the black safety eyes I normally use looked a bit boring on their own, so I added a little bright blue to make them stand out. I thought about making the mane like an extended pom-pom, but I decided the crocheted strands would survive wash and wear a little better.

unicorn scarf design sketch doodle pink rainbow cute kawii magical fantasy scarf accessoriesI’ll take some more photos and list him on the shop later in the week. I’m really pleased with how he turned out. He looked really strange before I attached the mane. I’m fairly sure he’s part Moomin. Sadly I didn’t think to take any photos at that stage so you’ll just have to trust me.

Don’t forget…

The give-away on Facebook ends next week. I’m giving away a pair of fingerless gloves to one lucky person, I’ve added 4 designs for you to pick from. You just have to like The Pea Green Boat on Facebook and comment on the post with your favourite design and you could win it!

A hug from a Pug

A lovely new design and hopefully the start of a project to make novelty scarves that look like lots of different dog breeds. Maybe gloves and hats too! If you would like to suggest your favorite breed of dog that would be great and it will give me an idea of what I should design next.

My focus at the moment is mostly on accessories. I have so many designs in my head it’s hard to pick what comes next! There’s so much to come and I am very excited to be sharing it with you 🙂

pug dog bulldog cute animal novelty scarf dogs crochet amigurumi pug dog bulldog cute animal novelty scarf dogs crochet amigurumipug dog bulldog cute animal novelty scarf dogs crochet amigurumi

If you would like to purchase this scarf or any of my other novelty scarves and accessories you can find them here

Ivan the Ice Dragon

DSC00345I was asked it I could make a dragon scarf a few months ago. I was a little reluctant to start it because I really wasn’t sure how to go about it. Once I got going and started to experiment it came to me alot easier than I first expected that it would. I was particularly confused about making the wings as I wasn’t sure how to position them. In my mind they were much larger but I couldn’t see how that would be very practical for the wearer of the scarf. So I compromised with the little wings, which I think look pretty cute which is what I was going for. He’s a nice dragon so I think he should also be cute.

I added the detail around the nostrils and the eyes because Chris told me he looked a bit too much like a cow. He’s very brutally honest about things that I make which is at times extremely frustrating but ultimately helpful. We both agreed he no longer looks like a cow in the end. Sometimes I will make something and he will say “what is it?” like when a small child shows you their marvelous art work…. Never say that! But to be fair I have often gone back and revised things when he has (for the better), not always, sometimes I tell him he’s stupid and do it anyway.



I actually have Chris to thank for the foot shape. I don’t have a picture of what I started with but these are alot better. He scribbled a very crude drawing of a dragon foot and I was like “yes I should make them like that.” It was way more time consuming than what I had in mind originally but much more dragon like!


He’s up on the shop already if you are interested in having a dragon of your own you can buy one here. I would love to make more of these in different colours so please send me a message if you would like a custom dragon.

I also have started designing dog breed scarves. I have also designed a unicorn scarf which I am really excited about but I have to make so many things before I can do that. I will also be making more foxes very soon.